
a zone of saturation that is used by inhabitants as a water supply is called a

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A zone of saturation that is used by inhabitants as a water supply is called an aquifer.

An aquifer is an underground layer of water-bearing porous stone, earth or gravel. Aquifers are saturated areas beneath the water table and are considered as large storehouses of water that readily transmits water to wells and springs. Aquifers are used to extract water for domestic, industrial, or agricultural use.


A zone of saturation that is used by inhabitants as a water supply is called an aquifer


An aquifer is a body of saturated rock through which water can easily move. Aquifers can be both permeable and porous and they include rock types such as sandstone, conglomerate, fractured limestone and gravel. Groundwater in the form of aquifers below the surface of the Earth, is one of the most important natural resources to get water. If rocks below the earth are highly fractured, they make good aquifers.