(1) Wayne Gretzky once said, “you’ll always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” (2) Life would be dull and boring if no one took risks. (3) Many people have accomplished astonishing things because they took a risk. (4) In other words, my mind is set on the belief that it’s worthwhile to take risks. (5) One reason to take a risk is that you can learn from your mistakes, and that allows you to accomplish your goal correctly the next time. (6) For instance, the Wright Brothers dreamed of being able to fly. (7) They decided to invent the airplane. (8) Certainly, they weren’t able to construct it perfectly the first time, so they took a risk and kept trying until they finally got it right. (9) Because they learned from their mistakes, that encouraged them to continue to work hard and succeed at inventing one of todays most convenient inventions, the airplane. (10) Another reason to take risks is that you can form relationships. (11) A good example of this is the play, “Novio Boy” by Gary Soto. (12) Rudy, the main character, asks Patricia, his crush, to go on a date with him. (13) He took a risk because she is older than him, and Rudy wasn’t sure of what she would say. (14) Fortunately, Patricia agreed to go out with him. (15) Therefore, taking risks can be positive and help you form relationships. (16) In conclusion, you never know what you are capable of until you take a risk. (17) There could be many motives that could make you want to take a risk. (18) The result could turn out to be either good or bad. (19) Despite the consequences, you never know what you could achieve before you take the risk.

What change, if any, is needed in sentence 1?
Question 1 options:

A) Delete the comma after said

B) Change you'll to You'll

C) Change always to allways

D) Make no change