Dr Land 125,000
Cr Gain on disposition of assets125,000
Dr Notes payable 600,000
Dr Interest payable 66,000
Cr Gain on troubled debt restructuring 216,000
Cr Land 450,000
Preparation of journal entry(s)
Based on the information given we were told that they group have agreed to settle Transit’s debt innexchange for land which have a fair value amount of $450,000 mean while the Transit purchased the land in 2017 for the amount of $325,000 which means that the Journal entry will be :
Dr Land 125,000
($450,000 – 325,000)
Cr Gain on disposition of assets125,000
Based on the information given we were told that Transit owed First City Bank Group the amount of $600,000 that has an 11% note which means that the Journal entry will be :
Dr Notes payable 600,000
Dr Interest payable 66,000
(11% x $600,000)
Cr Gain on troubled debt restructuring 216,000
Cr Land 450,000