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Hi there! Let's find out the relationship between these 2 important topics.

the environment is definitely a big offender of population growth, as we're influenced by everything around us, such as drugs, alcohol, music, movies, and more.

Nowadays, capitalism is consuming everything that we knew as human, focusing on short-term company's goals, rather than individual itself.

Growth in the world population results in increasing consumption rates thus consumers and their massive emissions of carbon dioxide have a big impact on environment.  Consumption produces direct environmental pressures because of the production chains of goods and services demanded by consumers including wrapped food, clothing, furniture or electricity. Some examples of environmental impacts are global warming, degradation of biodiversity, soil, air and water pollution. Growing use of pollutant products and services are jeopardizing future generations’ wellbeing. Household consumers are a big drain in the planet which makes us turn the focus from big companies to our own habits. Driving our car and using certain pollutants are contaminating factors that we can help avoid.