A soccer mom is driving her 75 year old grandmother and her 9 year old daughter home after the game. The grandmother and daughter were both in the back seat and both were wearing their seat belts. A car ran a red light in front of them, causing them to t-bone that car on the passenger side. Fortunately there were no serious injuries, but the grandmother did sustain several rib fractures. The mother, daughter and driver of the at-fault car were shaken up but unhurt. What are some possible reasons that the grandmother sustained rib fractures while the other victims did not?

Respuesta :

The grandmother is significantly older than everyone else, it is possible she sustained those injuries simply because she was older and had weaker skin. This could be an answer, but this is just my train of thought. Thanks. Hope this helped!

The grandmother was injured, because she's much older. Her bones are much more fragile, due to aging.
Her bones lack Calcium.