
5. Read the following excerpt from a letter written by Chi-hao Fei, a Chinese Christian, during the Boxe Rebellion, which took place in the late 18th and early 19th centuries in China. The Boxer Rebellion happened partly because many Chinese resented the influence of Christians in China. When you have finished reading, describe the point of view presented in this excerpt, including who the speaker is an what his interest in the outcome of the situation is. (4 points)
Early in June my college friend Kung Hsiang Hsi came back from Tungchou for his vacation, reporting that the state of affairs there and at Peking was growing worse, that the local officials were powerless against the Boxers, and that the Boxers, armed with swords, were constantly threatening Christians scattered in the country... The wicked Governor, Yü Hsien, scattered proclamations broadcast. These stated that the foreign religions overthrew morality and inflamed men to do evil, so now gods and men were stirred up against them, and Heaven's legions had been sent to exterminate the foreign devils. Moreover there were the Boxers faithful to their sovereign, loyal to their country, determined to unite in wiping out the foreign religion. He also offered a reward to all who killed foreigners, either titles or office or money. When the highest official in the province took such a stand in favor of the Boxers, what could inferior officials do? People and officials owed to his will, and all who enlisted as Boxers were in high favor. It was a time of license and anarchy, when not only Christians were killed, but hundreds of others against whom individual Boxers had a grudge

Respuesta :

Answer 1: Point of view presented in the excerpt.

 Many Chinese, in special the Boxers resented the presence of Christians in their country. And things were becoming worse because the Boxers started persecuting the Christians, threatening them with swords. But to make things worse, the wicked Governor spread lies and promissed to reward those that kill the foreigners.

Answer 2. The speaker is Chi-hao Fei, a Chinese Christian.

Answer 3. What his interest in the outcome of the situation is.

 Being a Christian, Fei was interested in being able to learn more from Christian missionaries, have fellowship with them. Things that was no longer possible to do openly.