Respuesta :
The answer is either C or A.
The 1935 Act provided for "old age," retirement, benefits, aid to dependent children, disability insurance, and unemployment insurance.
Sorry for the not specific answer, but the answer isn't B or D.
The Social Security part was originally designed as contributory program retirement plan trust fund- with the government role only as administrator. It is a self-supporting program which has had only 2 inserts of general revenue early on to cover disabled WWII vets and those who turned 72 before 1971. Also, since Reagan made SSI income taxable in 1983, a miniscule revenue stream results as well. Since inception, the fund has generated 13.8T in revenues through 2009 and expended 11.3T in the same period.
Good luck
But i have to say this is not really the main purpose. Sorry for can give for you what you want, but at least i can show you more about this.