Of Mice and Men:
I need a quote that shows discrimination against women (Curly's wife) in Of Mice and Men with page number.

Respuesta :

Discrimination is a major topic in this John Steinbeck's book. Wether for gender, color or place of origin, it helps us realize how hard it was for these groups at that time (Great Depression).

Specifically against women, and as Curley´s wife was the only female in the ranch, we have many discriminative quotes:

"Don´t you even take a look at that b!t(h. I don´t care what she says and what she does. I seen'em poison before, but i never seen no piece of jailbait worse than her." Page 58

"Ranch with a bunch of guys on it aint´no place for a girl, specially like her." Page 78

"Why don´t you tell her to stay home where she belongs?" Page 90

They judge her for her "flirtatious" personality, becuse she gives the workers "the eye". But actually she is just very lonely, as her husband mistreats her, and does not allow her to talk to others in the ranch.