Respuesta :


Robin Redbreast is the Michigan State Bird


Michigan designated "robin redbreast" which is also called American robin as the official state bird in 1931 after an election held by the Michigan Audubon Society. The American robin has many rich songs composed of long phrases such as "whinny" and "tut" calls. This bird eats worms, seeds, fruits, insects and other invertebrates.


I did a whole report on this in the third grade and now I can actually put my knowledge to good use


The Robin red breast (AKA the Robin) is the Michigan state bird but the original state bird of Michigan was the cardinal until they almost went extinct due to us chopping down there trees (Some of the cardinals' favorite trees include mulberry, serviceberry, flowering dogwood, crabapple, and spruce. Shrubs at the top of their feeding list include staghorn sumac, red-osier dogwood, gray dogwood, and viburnum species) trees native to Michigan would be Spruce, Crabapple, and mulberry. Because of us chopping down certain trees Robins became more indiginous to the area and so Robins are now the state bird. (this is the summed up version of my report and I hope this helps lol)