Respuesta :
The Crusades are featured so prominently in history because of its story. It’s the classic medieval story with people to root for and against.
The crusades feature so prominently in history because it has a great influence on the history of major religions. The Crusades have become one of the most dynamic fields of historical inquiry in the past four decades.
The sentences above shows a high curiosity to understand or interpret this great event. The curiosity revolves around: About what made Western Christians try to reclaim Jerusalem, the impact of the First Crusade (1099) on Muslims, Christians, and Jews in the eastern Mediterranean, the effect of the crusade on official European institutions the west, and how the writing process of the Crusades, the final results, and what was left behind.
Academic debate has shown significant progress since the 1980s. When discussions about the definition of a crusade arose. The understanding of the scope of the Crusades widened. There is new recognition both in terms of chronology and scope that the crusades far surpassed the 11th-century expedition to the Holy Land.
That is, the war occurred in a long time since the end of the power of the Franks in the East in 1291 and continued until the 16th century. Concerning the intended target, a crusade was fought against Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula, people deemed infidels in the Baltic region, Mongols, opponents of the Papacy and heretics (as in Hussites or Cathars).
If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we recommend you to also take a look at the following questions:
• During which Crusade was King Richard the Lionhearted unsuccessful in driving Muslims out of the Holy Land or reclaiming any land?
KEYWORD: Muslim, Christians, Jews.
Subject: History
Class: 7-9
Subchapter: The Crusades