Write 3 to 5 sentences using information below about Taxing junk food Use complete sentences. Format your document as a paragraph. Topic Sentence: To help finance health reform would tax fast food, snacks, and sugary soft sodas. They would pay much expense of obesity – related disease through Medicare and Medicaid. The topic is ‘’ Taxing Junk food “and Controlling idea is health reform Topic Sentence: Theories rising Junk food reduce obesity rates prices and so well health – care costs. The topic is “rising junk food and controlling idea is reducing theories of obesity rates Topic sentence: how tax is designed to effective at reducing obesity. The topic is: how tax is designed and controlling idea effective at reducing obesity Topic sentence: prices of unhealthy foods have relatively small effect on obesity rates. They were most likely to experience obesity gains affecting obesity rates. Topic sentence: Implied main idea Topic sentence : The low income community are affected by obesity disease such as Type 2 Diabetes and heart diseases , but if junk food tax can help change the fact to provide access to health insurances. Topic Sentence: Ways to help reduce high calories and sugary drinks and snacks with fats and oils. While junk food taxes may change to how foods are packaged and sold to what people eat.

Respuesta :

The topic is Taxing Junk food “and the Controlling idea is health reform:

One of the major achievements in this century would be to bring out a health reform that is to tax junk food heavily. Having said that the chain of fast food companies would be obliged to pay exorbitantly to such an extent that could compensate the Medicare and Medicaid as the profits are gained at the cost of the health of the people.

The topic is: how the tax is designed and controlling idea effective at reducing obesity

The reason behind effective tax design policy is to reduce obesity. Junk food and obesity are cause and effect issues. The cause of eating junk food is the obesity which is the consequence. Hence, taxing policies should consider charging heavily so as to make it less consumable by low-income people or middle-class people. This reduction in food consumption could help reducing obesity.

Topic Sentence: Ways to help reduce high calories and sugary drinks and snacks with fats and oils. While junk food taxes may change to how foods are packaged and sold to what people eat.

It can be evidenced that the low-community people are affected by obesity as they cannot afford heavy-priced healthy caloric food. The junk food companies make the food available for a reasonable price that makes the food consumption easier for the lower-class people who are in turn affected by type-2 diabetes and heart diseases. Taxing unhealthy food is expected to reduce food consumption and such heavily taxed money could help the people access health insurances. On another note, heavy extra taxes on the packaged foods would result in less unhealthy food consumption. There are different kinds of diet that are existing in the market like fad diet, low-calorie diet, high-calorie diet etc. Notwithstanding any kind of diet, it should be made mandatory for the companies that sell such food to pay heavy fat taxes so that they can realize the pain endured by the consumer or client.