An epeirogenic change: creates very high mountians leaves the crust undeformed results in highly volcanic regions occurs when rock layers are lifted out of sequence

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The correct answer is: An Epeirogenic change occurs when rock layers are lifted out of sequence.

The epeirogenic movements are the vertical rise and fall movements slowly produced in the Earth's crust. For centuries, diverse movements in the Earth's crust had been produced, due to the pression it receives from the internal layers of Earth. This movements generated multiple changes i the cortex or crust. Epeirogenic movements ara capable of modeling the environment without cracking or breaking it. This movements are produced in the tectonic plates creating irregularities in the terrain in a slowly but progressive way.

When this movements are descendant or negative, part of the continental shields remain immersed, leading to the formation of seas slightly deep and to the formation of the continental platforms; sedimentary layers remain into the most antique igneous or metamorphic rocks. When the movements are ascendant or positive, the sedimentary layers are placed above the sea level being exposed to erosion. The effects of the epeirogenic movement are observed in the change of the coastal lines and the progressive transformation of a continent's aspect.