
Which of the following selections best expresses the narrator’s fears in the following passage? We have received vague rumors about the expected rush here in the spring and we all wonder whether there will be such an enormous crowd as reported. What under the sun they will do is more than any of us can tell. Everything in the country is staked and there certainly won’t be employment for all hands, as there is not enough for those here already. Men are busily engaged on schemes to fleece the unsuspecting Cheecakos out of their tenderfoot money, and I’m afraid many of them will work. Perhaps the name Cheecako is not understood by some in Denver, but it is the Saguache name for greenhorn, or newcomer. We “old-timers” are called “sour doughs,” as it is supposed to be part of our education to know how to make sour dough bread.

A. The narrator is afraid that newcomers will take gold from those who’ve been there.
B. The narrator fears that “old-timers” will eventually be forced out.
C. The narrator fears that men who’ve been in the Klondike for a while will con the newcomers out of their money.
D. The narrator worries that newcomers won’t get along well with the “old-timers.”