Respuesta :
Teachers should definitely contact Laura's mother. ( or any relative is she can't go to pick her up)
Maybe Laura's mother thinks her daughter only has a sore-throat or a simple cold and that it will go away on a day or two. Or maybe, it's just allergies, as she said.
However, if Laura also has fever and swollen glands, she might have STREP THROAT, which is cured with antibiotics. Also, it is contagious, as it is spread by close contact by coughing and sneezing, also by sharing food and drink, so Laura shouldn't be in contact with other kids.
The most characteristic symptoms of strep throat are sore throat and painful swallowing. Other symptoms include:
- Chills and fever
- Swollen and tender glands (lymph nodes) on the sides of the neck
- Red and swollen appearance inside the throat
- Pus-like white or yellow patches or spots may be visible on the back of the throat and on the tonsils
- Headache, nausea and vomiting may also be present
- Body aches and pains.
If Laura doesn't get treated, it might evolve into otitis, sinusitis or pneumonia. Rheumatic fever is also a serious complication of strep throat.