Respuesta :

Rainsford started off as a skilled hunter, until that is he got taken off his ship and into the waters. After a long night of fighting he sea, he was glad to see land. Apparently this is a island called ship trap island. He seeks refuge there and met General Zaroff, a Russian Cossack who seemed nice. The general then showed his true nature, a savage person. Rainsford then realized he has to play the General’s game to escape this island. This game involves him being hunted by General Zaroff. If the general win he will get to kill Rainsford, if rainsford wins, he gets to go one. Rainsford had no choice but to play this game. Throughout this game Rainsford used his wits and skilled he used form hunting to escape the general. He impressed the General with his many hunting traps. After a few days of cat and mouse game, Rainsford gets cornered, and to escape he jumps of a cliff into the water. He survives this fall and waits for the general in his house. Rainsford ambushed he general and they have a duel. The winner gets the bed and the loser gets fed to the hound. Rainsford said he had never slept in a more comfortable bed in his life.