
Basics of Photography If you are interested in learning the art of photography, you'll want to use a 35-mm camera with no automatic aids. That way you have complete control over how your photos will look. Much of the art of photography is about capturing light. To get a good photo, you need to know how much light to let into the camera. Too much, and your photo will be a pale image of what you wanted. Too little, and it will be overly dark. Getting just the right amount of light for your photo depends on three factors. First, there is the type of film. Films come in different "speeds," which refers to how quickly the film reacts to light. The usual film speeds are 60, 100, 200 or 400. The slow films, such as 60 and 100, require more light and are used when shooting outdoors in bright conditions. When taking pictures in dimly lit areas, such as indoors, a fast film is the appropriate choice. These films don't need much light. You should use a fast film for moving objects, as well. Fast film will help produce a crisper image. The second and third factors are shutter speed and the size of the lens aperture. Think of a camera as a box that protects the film from light. The more light that hits the film, the lighter your photograph will be. Light comes into the camera through a round opening, called the aperture, that can be made bigger or smaller. The aperture is covered by the shutter. When you press the button to take your photo, the shutter uncovers and then covers the aperture, letting in the light. When you change the speed of the shutter, you change the amount of time that light comes into the camera. To expose your film to the right amount of light, you need to adjust the shutter speed and the size of the aperture. For indoor shots where you need a lot of light, you can use either a larger aperture or a slower shutter speed. For daytime shots outside in bright sunlight, you can use a smaller aperture or a faster shutter speed to reduce the amount of light entering the camera. In addition, if you want to take a picture of moving objects, you'll need to use a faster shutter speed - otherwise the image will blur. Question 2 of 40 Suppose you want to take pictures of your friend's soccer game. How should you prepare your camera? Set the aperture to the largest opening. Set it at a low shutter speed. Load it with a fast film. NextReset