Define darwin's theory of natural selection and discuss the intellectual climate leading to the development of his theory. focus in particular on the contributions of lamarck, malthus, and lyell.

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Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection proposes:

·         In each generation, more people are produced and survive.

·         Phenotypic variation is heritable.

·         Those with heritable traits that matches with the environment will most likely survive.

·         New species rise after reproductive isolation.

Charles Darwin took inspiration from economics and chose observable data to form his theory. The speculations before his time drove him to study how the ideas fit together, piecing information and making conclusions. The intellectual environment was both supportive and competitive,motivating the theorist.

Jean Baptiste Lamarck was a French naturalist and proposed that species change from single-celled forms through time to complex ones.

Charles Lyell was an English geologist who discussed gradual geological processes have slowly and steadily shaped the surface of the Earth and that the planet must be older than most believed.

Thomas Malthus was an English economist who asserted that human population increases faster than resources. The imbalance will cause a decrease in the population because of famine and disease.