Doolittle's Raid of Reprisal was partly an act of retaliation and vengeance for the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. This action is understandable in times of war, but what does the Bible have to say about vengeance in our daily lives? Use Bible verses to support your answer. Write your answer in a paragraph of 125 words.

Respuesta :

 The bible eloquently prohibits interpersonal revenge, especially the christian bible. Christ said that Christians should not revenge. He expounds further that Christians should forgive seventy times seven time. If a person slaps one cheek,give them the other cheek as well. The application of this concept of forgiveness in interstate relation however is still a question of debate.


This question is not asking for the student to make a moral judgement about war, but rather, to discuss vengeance from a Biblical perspective.

Deuteronomy 32:35-36 and Hebrews 10:30 teach that vengeance belongs to the Lord, not us. He will judge wrongs in His own time. We are to show love to our brothers and fellow man, and forgive (Ephesians 4:32) them as God has forgiven us