
Match the following organizations or policies with their respective outcomes.
United Nations

Marshall Plan

Warsaw Pact

Truman Doctrine

provided economic aid to Europe

outlined the ways to contain communism

approved the partition of Palestine

strengthened Soviet control over Eastern Europe

Respuesta :

The United Nations approved the partition of Palestine.

The Marshall Plan provided economic aid to Europe. This included roughly $13 billion in aid to countries like Great Britain, France, Turkey, Greece, etc.

The Warsaw Pact strengthened Soviet control over Eastern Europe. This resulted in the Soviet Union forming an alliance with countries like Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania.

The Truman Doctrine outlined the ways to contain communism. This included providing financial assistance to countries like Greece and Turkey who were in danger of falling under the control of the Soviet Union.

UNITED NATIONS --- Approved the partition of Palestine

On November 29, 1947, the General Assembly of the United Nations, meeting in New York, approved Resolution 181, which recommended a plan to resolve the conflict between Jews and Arabs in the Palestine region, which was at that time under British administration. The UN plan proposed dividing the western part of the Mandate into two states, one Jewish and one Arab-Palestinian, with one area, which included Jerusalem and Bethlehem, under international control. The refusal of the British government to carry out this plan, together with the refusal of the Arab countries of the region to accept it, resulted in a civil war in the territory of the Mandate of Palestine that erupted the day after the vote of the Plan, followed by the Arab-Israeli war of 1948 and the successive clashes between Arabs and Jews that remain to this day.

MARSHALL PLAN --- Provided economic aid to Europe

The Marshall Plan was an American initiative to help Western Europe, in which Americans gave economic aid worth about 14 billion dollars at the time for the reconstruction of those countries in Europe devastated after the Second World War .

WARSAW PACT --- Strengthened Soviet control over Eastern Europe

The Warsaw Pact was a military cooperation agreement signed on May 14, 1955 by the countries of the Eastern Bloc. Designed under the leadership of the Soviet Union, its express objective was to counter the threat of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

TRUMAN DOCTRINE --- Outlined the ways to contain communism

The Truman Doctrine was a measure created by the United States that sought to fight against the spread of Soviet influence and, above all, communism in Western Europe.