Respuesta :

It would begin to curve toward the magnetic pull


If a positively charged particle moves into a magnetic field traveling in a straight line then there will be Lorentz force which acts on the positively charged particle.

The force exerts on a moving charge in a magnetic field. This force is Lorentz force.

The expression for Lorentz force is as follows;

[tex]F=q(v\times B)[/tex]


Here, q is the charge, v is the velocity, [tex]\theta[/tex] is the angle between velocity and the magnetic field and B is the magnetic field.

There will be two conditions.

(1) If the positively charged particle moves parallel to the magnetic field then there will be no force on this particle. There is no deviation from the straight line. As the Lorentz force depends on the cross product of velocity and magnetic field. Sine 180 degree or sin 0 degree is zero in this case.

(2) If the positively charged particle moves perpendicular to the magnetic field then it follows the curved path until it completes the circle. The force is perpendicular to the direction of motion of the charged particle.

The charged particle will move in a circular motion.