What is the electrical current passing through this ammeter?1

Question 1 options:

7.5 amps

8.5 amps

5 amps

10 amps

Question 2 (10 points) Question 2 Unsaved
Which of the measurements would be the most helpful in determining the wavelength?


Question 2 options:





Question 3 (10 points) Question 3 Unsaved
The diagram shows the magnetic field surrounding a bar magnet. The closer together the lines of force, the stronger the magnetic field. According to the diagram, where is the magnetic field the strongest?


Question 3 options:

Around the north pole

Around the south pole

Around both poles

In the center of the magnet

Question 4 (10 points) Question 4 Unsaved
Alexandra was preparing to go on a hike in the woods. She gathered the equipment she would need and placed it on the counter. By chance, she placed her compass near an electrical outlet. Although the compass was not moving, the compass needle turned because______________________?

Question 4 options:

The electrical current in the outlet produced a magnetic field.

The compass could only be used outdoors.

The kitchen counter was made of a magnetic substance.

The kitchen had a microwave oven.

Question 5 (10 points) Question 5 Unsaved
The picture shows an experiment used to determine the effect of using more nails in the core of an electromagnet. Which of the following would make this a better designed experiment?


Question 5 options:

Using a different number of batteries for each electromagnet.

Using the same number of turns of wire for each electromagnet.

Inserting an ammeter in each circuit between the battery and the nails.

Using a different size battery for each electromagnet.

Question 6 (10 points) Question 6 Unsaved
Ms. Markas takes a Thermos bottle filled with hot coffee to work each day. The Thermos bottle keeps the coffee hot by

Question 6 options:

Using a battery-powered heating element.

Collecting solar heat energy.

Recirculating hot air inside.

Slowing heat transfer from the inside to the outside of the container.

Question 7 (10 points) Question 7 Unsaved
Which of the following would absorb the most sunlight?

Question 7 options:

A white t-shirt

A yellow t-shirt

A black t-shirt

An orange t-shirt

Question 8 (10 points) Question 8 Unsaved
According to the diagrams, long wavelengths__________________________.8

Question 8 options:

Travel more slowly than short wavelengths.

Have a greater frequency than short wavelengths.

Diffract around objects more easily than shorter wavelengths.

Are able to generate far more power than are short wavelengths.

Question 9 (10 points) Question 9 Unsaved
Which of the following would be the best way to determine a glass block's index of refraction?

Question 9 options:





Question 10 (10 points) Question 10 Unsaved
Joseph studied whether different materials can block certain electromagnetic waves by testing television reception in different parts of the house. At each part of the house, Joseph used a different antenna. The experiment could have been improved by _______________________________.

Question 10 options:

Testing reception of a different channel during each trial.

Using the same antenna during each trial.

Measuring the antenna length in centimeters.

Measuring the distance to the television station.

Respuesta :

Answer 1
Diagram is missing in question. Same is attached below.
Position of needle depicts amount of current flowing through the circuit. From the diagram, it can be seen that deflection needle is in between 8 amperes and 9 amperes. This signifies that, current is more than 8 amperes, but less than 9 amperes. Hence correct answer is option B: 8.5 amperes.

Answer 2
Diagram is missing in question. Same is attached below.
A wavelength is the distance between two successive troughs or two successive crests of the wave. Energy, frequency and wavelength of electromagnetic wavelengths are dependent on each other. In present case, X is a true measurement of the wavelenght. Hence, correct answer is option B: X.

Answer 3
Diagram is missing in question. Same is attached below.
Magnetic field strength is maximum where the magnetic field density is maximum. From the diagram, it can be seen that, in the region around both north pole and south pole, magnetic field density of identical, as well as very high. Hence, correct answer is option C: Around both poles.

Answer 4
Alexandra was preparing to go on a hike in the woods. She gathered the equipment she would need and placed it on the counter. By chance, she placed her compass near an electrical outlet. Although the compass was not moving, the compass needle turned because the electrical current in the outlet produced a magnetic field
 When an electric current flows through a circuit, it generates the magnetic field around it. Due to this, the needle of compass got deflected, since it was in vicinity of magnetic field that was generated upon passage of electric current.

Answer 5
Diagram is missing in question. Same is attached below.
Correct answer is option B: Using the same number of turns of wire for each electromagnet. This is because, in order to study effect nails in the core of an electromagnet, it would be practical to use same number of batteries and same number of turns of wires in all the experiments. Thus, the variation in magnetism would be solely because of nails present in electromagnet.

Answer 6:
Ms. Markas takes a Thermos bottle filled with hot coffee to work each day. The thermos bottle keeps the coffee hot by slowing heat transfer from the inside to the outside of the container. This is because, thermos acts as in isolated system. An isolated system is one  which does not exchange heat as well as matter with surrounding. Due to this, coffee remains hot for long time.

Answer 7:
Correct answer: Option C-Black T-shirt
Reason: The radiation that is absorbed by the compound is dependent on the energy level separation between different electronic energy level. In energy level separation lies in visible region of electromagnetic radiation, then compound is colored. In case of black colour compounds, it absorbs light of all possible wavelenghts.

Answer 8
Diagram is missing in question. Same is attached below.
Correct answer: option B i.e. have a greater frequency than short wavelengths.
We know that, E = hv = hc/∧
where, v = frequency of electromagnetic radiation
∧ = wavelenght.

From above equation, it can be seen that frequency and wavelenght have inverse relation. 
Therefore, long wavelengths have a greater frequency than short wavelengths.

Answer 9
 Refractive index is  the ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to its velocity in a specified medium. In present case, medium used is glass. The best way to determine a glass block's index of refraction is using Snell's Law.

According to Snell's Law, refractive index = [tex] \frac{sinQ1}{snQ2} [/tex]
where, Q1 = angle of incident ray
Q2 = angle of refracted ray. 

Answer 10
Joseph studied whether different materials can block certain electromagnetic waves by testing television reception in different parts of the house. At each part of the house, Joseph used a different antenna. The experiment could have been improved by using the same antenna during each trial. Because, currently Joseph has two variable i.e. materials and antenna. This will complicate the experiments, as it would be difficult for Joseph to identify the material  that would be best suited for blocking certain electromagnetic waves. On other hand, if Joseph has used same antenna, there would have been only one variable i.e. materials. 
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