1.Which of the following correctly describes a reaction that forms a disaccharide from two monosaccharides?
a.Cellulose + fructose → maltose
b.Glucose + fructose → sucrose
c.Glycogen + lactose → cellulose
d.Lactose + glucose → galactose
2.While looking at a cell under a microscope, a scientist is able to see a biological molecule. This molecule is a nucleic acid with double strands and contains the nitrogenous bases adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine. Based on this information, what conclusion can the scientist draw regarding this nucleic acid?
a.The nucleic acid is RNA and would be found in the cytoplasm.
b.The nucleic acid is RNA and would be found in the cell wall.
c.The nucleic acid is DNA and would be found in the cytoplasm.
d.The nucleic acid is DNA and would be found in the cell's nucleus.
3.If a chemical reaction catalyzed by an enzyme is being carried out, and there is a sudden, drastic decrease in temperature, what is most likely to happen next?
a.Enzyme activity will decrease, and the reaction will proceed very slowly, or possibly not at all.
b.Less heat will be lost to the environment, and the reaction will take place more efficiently.
c.The reaction will proceed more quickly since the activation energy is decreased.
d.The reaction rate will decrease and eventually return to normal as the enzyme adapts to the temperature change.
4.Under which of the following conditions would a chemical reaction most likely proceed at the fastest rate?
a.Adding an enzyme to decrease the activation energy of the reaction
b.Decreasing temperature to prevent products from becoming denatured
c.Adding an inhibitor to prevent enzymes from interfering with the reaction
d.Increasing pH to decrease the acidity of the reactants
5.Which of the following is true of modern cell theory?
a.As technology improves so will our understanding of cells.
b.Multi-celled organisms are the focus of most modern discoveries.
c.Early cell theory has turned out to be incorrect.
d.Scientists have learned all they can about cells at this point.
6.Like all valid scientific theories, modern cell theory
a.dismisses the theoretical developments of other scientists
b.is complete and final as compared to earlier versions
c.builds on the work of earlier scientists
d.relies on the development of modeling techniques to progress
7.What best explains the relationship between structure and function of the cell membrane?
a.The single layer membrane surrounding the outside of the cell allows for the easy removal of waste.
b.The lipids and proteins that make up the membrane allow it to be selective about what enters and leaves the cell.
c.The fluid inside the membrane buffers the chemical reactions taking place inside the cell.
d.The lipids forming the membrane provide energy for protein synthesis.
8.When a cell has to endure lasting changes in its environment that require it to actively transport more molecules than normal through the cell membrane, what effect will this have on the mitochondria of the cell? The cell will need
a.fewer mitochondria since the transport proteins will also create ATP.
b.more mitochondria to meet the increased energy demand.
c.more mitochondria to repair damage to the ATP molecules.
d.fewer mitochondria since there will be fewer molecules left in the cell.
9.Which of the following accurately describes an example of how materials can move across the cell membrane through active transport?
a.A protein acts as a channel to allow large, hydrophilic molecules to diffuse across the cell membrane.
b.A protein acts as a pump and moves calcium ions from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration.
c.The cell membrane folds to surround a substance and bring the substance inside the cell during exocytosis.
d.Water moves by osmosis from higher concentration to lower concentration by passing through proteins called aquaporins.
10.Which of the following organelles is found in both plant and animal cells?
a.Cell wall
c.Central vacuole

Respuesta :

The correct answer is:

Glucose + fructose → sucrose


Glucose and fructose are monosaccharides and are the building blocks of sucrose, a disaccharide. Thus, disaccharides are just a pair of associated sugar molecules. disaccharide.  They are remunerated when two monosaccharides are joined together and a molecule of water is eliminated -- a dehydration reaction.

2.The correct answer is:

d.The nucleic acid is DNA and would be found in the cell's nucleus.


The scientist can say with confidence that this DNA molecule is enclosed by a nucleus based on the combination of the nucleic acid defined. Only eukaryotic cells have a ladder structure. The prokaryotic cells have circular DNA and do not have any organelles, like the nucleus. Consequently, from the steps structure of the DNA, the scientist can see that the cell has a nucleus.

3.The correct answer is:

a.Enzyme activity will decrease, and the reaction will proceed very slowly, or possibly not at all.


The enzyme work under a standard conditions.they work under an optimized conditions if any of them is increased or decreased enzyme activity will b effected.

4.The correct answer is:

a.Adding an enzyme to decrease the activation energy of the reaction


Enzymes are macromolecular biological catalysts. Enzymes excite chemical reactions. The particles upon which enzymes may act are called substrates and the enzyme transforms the substrates into separate molecules known as outcomes.

5.The correct answer is:

a.As technology improves so will our understanding of cells.


The advancement in technology improves the understanding of cell and enables the scientist to learn about cell in more detail.

6.The correct answer is:

c.builds on the work of earlier scientists


As new work comes to light, a theory is changed; however, it cannot be terminated because one concrete research providing testimony toward it can disprove it.

7.The correct answer is:

b.The lipids and proteins that make up the membrane allow it to be selective about what enters and leaves the cell.


It consists of a lipid bilayer with embedded proteins. The basic function of the cell membrane is to protect the cell from its surroundings. The cell membrane controls the movement of substances in and out of cells and organelles. In this way, it is selectively permeable to ions and organic molecules.

8.The correct option is:

d.fewer mitochondria since there will be fewer molecules left in the cell.


To actively transport molecules against its concentration gradient wanted energy which is generated by the ATP hydrolysis. As mitochondria make and store ATP, here more mitochondria are required to meet the increased energy requirement.

9.The correct answer is:

A protein acts as a pump and moves calcium ions from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration.


Active transport is the transportation of molecules beyond a membrane from a region of their lower concentration to a region of their greater concentration—in the regulation against the density gradient.

10.The correct answer is:



The mitochondrion is a double-membrane-bound organelle found in most eukaryotic bodies. Some cells in some multicellular organisms may, though, lack them and present in plants and animal cell.