What was the national government’s biggest concern if facing a war, under the Articles of Confederation? A)The national government had no national military. B)The country had grown too large to defend with a small army. C)The states would not back the federal government. D)There was no way the states would pay for fighting a war.

Respuesta :

The national government’s biggest concern if facing a war, under the Articles of Confederation was:

(A) The national government had no national military.

Further explanation

When the revolutionary war between the 13 colonies and England started in 1775, the Americans did not have a national army. The United States did not exist yet, each colony was independent, and there was no particular organization between them. It was urgent to unite to face the power of the British. The colonists did this strategy during the second Continental Congress in May 1975. During this meeting, an army was created as the Continental Army and led by George Washington.

The army was officially under the control of the Congress, but the soldiers were volunteer citizens who were not trained at all. Besides, the new American Congress did not have enough money. The different colonies financed it but not enough to maintain a large army. Between 1781 and 1782, there was no money left to pay the soldiers who revolted.

The difficulties with the continental army were a good illustration of the Articles of Confederation weakness, which gave too much power to the states but not enough to the Congress. The country could begin to develop faster because of the first constitution drafting of the United States and the creation of a strong national army.

Learn more

  • The articles of Confederation: brainly.com/question/759963
  • Ratification of US Constitution: brainly.com/question/1218366
  • Land ordinance of 1785: brainly.com/question/789827

Answer details

Subject: History

Chapter: The Articles of Confederation

Keywords: Facts about the American Revolutionary War, history of the continental army, weaknesses of the articles of confederation, the life of George Washington

The national Government had no national military.

The Articles of the Confederation was one of the earliest drafts of the Constitution that expressed concerns over the United States’ ability to raise a military force on account of the war.  

Further Explanation:

Under the Articles of the Federation, the U.S. Federal Government was not vested with military powers that would enable them to consolidate the nation and its boundaries, and prevent the states from breaking out into a civil war. The Articles of the Confederation conditioned the regional independence of the states. The grant of powers to the state governments and not to the central government would severely compromise on the unity of the nation. Although the Articles of the Confederation was just a formative phase of the American Constitution, in reality, it was not binding upon any of the States, which meant that they could form their own laws and could declare their independence free of the Union, whenever desired.  

The success of a nation and its unity depends on the strength of the Central Government to mobilize military forces and safeguard the boundaries of a nation. The state governments are granted powers to make decisions that require an understanding of local conditions and populations. The Articles of the Confederation was an important step in the drafting of the American Constitution, however, it had several shortcomings. One of the most important shortcomings was that it was not granted any concrete powers that were needed to mobilize the union of the nation. Powers such as the right to issue decrees, impose taxation, consolidating borders are raising military forces that are essential for preventing secession by states or civil war from breaking out.

Learn more:

1. In McCulloch v. Maryland, what did the state of Maryland argue?


2. Which of these caused clashes between early European settlers and Native Americans?


Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Events leading to an outbreak of civil war

Subject: History


Articles of the Confederation, no military powers, the weak federal government, strong state governments, right to taxation, secession, states declaring independence, no federal budget.