The image shows a week-old chick embryo. What can you conclude about its current stage of development?

1)A spinal column is present.
2)The chick will develop four limbs and a beak.
3)It’s an invertebrate.
4)It’s sexually mature.
5)It’s about to undergo a metamorphosis.

The image shows a weekold chick embryo What can you conclude about its current stage of development 1A spinal column is present 2The chick will develop four lim class=

Respuesta :

1) A spinal column is present.


1)  A spinal column is present.


Chick is a vertebrate, the presence of notochord is an essential feature of vertebrates. in the later stage of development it is replaced by a spinal column. During embryonic development of a chick, at the end of the third day the beak begins developing and limb buds for the wings and legs are seen and then the embryo develops quickly. By the seventh day, digits appear on the wings and feet, the heart is completely formed.