
In fruit flies, the allele for red eyes is dominant over the allele for pink eyes. Straight wings is dominant over curled wings. Imagine that a red-eyed, straight-winged fly that is heterozygous for both characteristics is mated with a fly with pink eyes and curled wings. Predict the offspring that would be produced by this cross (Genotypes, phenotypes, and fraction of each) if these two genes were on different chromosomes.
When a geneticist actually carried out this mating, the offspring were as follows: 49% red eyes and straight wings, 49% pink eyes and curled wings, 1% red eyes and curled wings, and 1% pink eyes and straight wings. Does this agree with your prediction? How would you explain these results?


Respuesta :

No, This doesn't agree with my prediction. When I carried out the cross I got 

Rr = 50% 
rr = 50%

Ww = 50%
ww = 50%

rrww = 25% pink eyes curled wings
RrWw = 25% red eyes straight wings
Rrww = 25% red eyes curled wings
rrWw = 25% pink eyes straight wings
red-eyed, straight-winged fly is mated with a fly with pink eyes and curled wings

set up Punnett squares. 
e for pink, E for red, w for curly n W for straight
EeWw X eeww 

the pink curly fly can pass on an "e" and a "w" and the red straight fly can pass on E or e, and W or w. so

EW eW Ew ew 
ew EeWw eeWw Eeww eeww 

offsprings should be

1/4 red straight 

1/4 red curly

1/4 pink straight

1/4 pink curly

results do not agree with prediction