A long stairway with a metal handrail runs between the houses of Amelia and her friend Michelle. After getting their parents' permission, the two girls often play near the stairs. One day, Michelle stands at the top of the steps and taps the railing with a stone. Amelia stands at the bottom of the steps with her right ear pressed against the railing. Amelia sees Michelle tap the railing, then she hears the sound with the ear that is pressed against the railing. Last, Amelia hears the sound with her other ear. Why did Amelia hear the sound with her right ear before her left ear?

Respuesta :

Because the sound vibrations traveled faster through the solid metal and slower through the gassy air.


Sound moves faster in solids than in air. Sound sound will reach her right ear faster then on her left ear.


As we know that the speed of sound in solids is given by

[tex]v = \sqrt{\frac{Y}{\rho}}[/tex]

also the speed of sound in air is given as

[tex]v = \sqrt{\frac{\gamma P}{\rho}}[/tex]

so here we know that the Young's modulus of solid is having greater magnitude than the atmospheric pressure.

So when Amelia put her right ear on railing then sound will travel through the railing and reach the ear faster while on the other side it will reach through air.

So she will hear two sounds but she hear the sound from right ear first and then after left ear.