The Linnaean system of classification sorts organisms into groups using a hierarchical system of levels. List the following terms correctly in the Linnaean classification system from the most general to the most specific.

Respuesta :

Well, I'm assuming you're talking about these terms...

Species, Genus, Family, Order, Class, Phylum, Kingdom, Domain

A good way to remember this is;
Does King Philip Come Over For Great Spaghetti 
(However, this is in order from most specific to least specific)


You must be referring to the following terms:

Species, Genus, Family, Order, Class, Phylum, Kingdom.


Karl von Linné, or simply Lineu, was a Swedish botanist who, in 1735, proposed the classification of beings into groups, which he called taxa. In his work entitled Systema Naturae, he suggested classifying it into larger groups, called kingdoms, even smaller groups, which he called species. The categories proposed by Lineu were: kingdom, class, order, genus and species.

Currently, the main taxonomic categories are: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species, two more than the ones initially proposed by Lineu. The Kingdom is the largest unit of biological classification and groups phyla of organisms with similar characteristics. The phylum, in turn, group similar classes, which group similar orders, which group families, which group similar genders. In the genera, similar species are grouped, which is the most basic taxonomic category of the classification. We can define species as a group of organisms that reproduce among themselves and are capable of producing fertile descendants.