w wierze opartej na milosci i posłuszeństwie Bogu Jezus uzdrawia nas (mk 10,52), oczyszcza (dz 15,19), odpuszca nam grzechy ( dz 10,43) i daje nam swego Ducha (gal 3,14) Zapisz i wez w ramke rz 10,9-10
Isn't this just a Bible verse? I'm not sure what you even want me to do with this information, but a translation is my best guess.
In a faith based on love and obedience to God, Jesus heals us (Mk 10.52), cleanses (in 15:19), he forgives us our sins (d. 10,43) and gives us his Spirit (Gal 3:14). Save and take in frame from 10.9-10.