Can someone amazing please read my essay and correct my punctioation? i need help please!

A single memorable day in my life

When I was 8 years of age, I went to my grandmother’s house , I remember seeing a dark black vehicle parked outside of her house, it was the most beautiful car I had ever seen, black leather interior with shinny details like on the radio part of it and how can I forget the tires. They were so big and clean I just kept thinking “how I wish I could drive one like that”! I asked my parents if they knew what type of vehicle it was unfortunately they were not into cars and were too busy to even look at the vehicle and give me a response, it didn’t matter, I took a memory picture and it kept it for many years to come.
I remember that when I left my grandma’s house the car was no longer there, I kept wondering who did that car belonged to. I mean, after all everyone who lived in that area were not wealthy and most of them didn’t even owned a car. Maybe a guest I that comes to visit someone around there I thought to myself. The following weekend came and it was time to visit to visit my grandma again, I remember this time I went with my older brother who at the time was 22, I drove him crazy about the car I had seen, so much so to the point that he agreed to come along with us.
As we get o my grandma’s house I see the beautiful black car parked on the same saw it parked the weekend before, It is a CHEVY! My brother scream, it is a beautiful black Chevy! Almost looks brand new! Wow! He was as shocked as me and so both of us kept on drooling over the car. My brother walked around the car admiring it over and over! When all of the sudden we hear a deep voice asking “are you guys looking for something”? Immediately we backed up and said ...”No. No sir! Just looking at the car it looks like those on the action movies! The guy approached us and asked us if we wanted to sit inside the car! Of course we said yes. As the time went by, my older brother askes the guy how he could afford such a car, he explained to us that he brought it crashed and almost destroyed for pennies, eventually and little by little he was able to buy the parts and fix it on its own.
My brother and I looked at each other and I knew it was the beginning of something, my brother told me that night that he would be doing the same, and he would start saving as much as he could and will buy a vehicle and little by little fix it. It seem so much easier and less expensive but we had no experienced on mechanics, all we need was collecting car toys. A year after that my bother purchased a Volkswagen beetle, it didn’t drive but it was all we could afford $100. We pushed the car to our house and it want until 3 years after that we were able to get it back like new. It drove, looked nice and we sold it for much more than $100.
With that money, we were able to continue doing so, we grew and decided to open a small company where we sold used cars to people with low income. It got to the point where we had almost 2 to 3 cars parked outside the house.
People would come and ask us for more cars. It got a little bit crazy, but with my father and my mother’s help we manage to keep the company running. After 8 years of continuing work, my brother and my parents took me out to eat to this fancy restaurant, we were all very happy of spending time together and enjoying the fruits of our small company, but it wasn’t until it was time to leave when I felt real happiness.
My brother said to me, well Diego it is time for you to start practicing your driving skills so you will be driving back home this time, I said okay. It was not the first time that I drove so I found it weird of him to have such an emphasis on his comment. As I walk out of the restaurant with my parents and my brother I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! The same black Chevy I saw when I was 8 years old at my grandma’s house. My brother had purchase it from the son of the guy who owned it, his father passed away and his son was not so much into cars. My dreamed had come true and I would never forget such a significant day in life!