A cheerleader lifts his 79.4 kg partner straight up off the ground a distance of 0.945 m before releasing her. the acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s 2 . if he does this 33 times, how much work has he done? answer in units of j

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To find out how much work he has done, we must first calculate force using the force formula (F= Mass*Acceleration). In this case, mass is 79.4 and acceleration is the gravitational constant of 9.8m/s, plugging this into the formula we find that force is 778.12Newtons. Next, we need to multiply force by the distance to get the amount of energy used to lift his partner once. Which is 778.12 * .945 = 735.32. Finally, we need to multiply 735.32 by the number of times he lifts his partner, 33, to get 735.32 * 33 to find that the energy he has expended 24,265.56 Joules of energy.