Respuesta :
The answer is D) the central part of the beach has ven least affected by habitat loss.
Option D, The central part of the beach has been least affected by habitat loss.
The Loggerhead sea turtles find the safest place to hatch and make nest in the central part of the beach. It is so because of past development activities in the northern and southern part of the beach.
These activities disturbs the habitat of the sea turtle and predominantly includes the following
a) Construction of coastal lighting
b) Coastal housing developments
c) Predation of nests
d) Human disturbances due to tourist activities which leads to loss of nesting habitat
Due to all these disturbances, hatchlings get disoriented.
Also some other activities such as capturing turtle in longline fishing, shrimp trawling and pollution also affect the sea turtle nesting activities in the northern and southern part of the beach.