Circle A with center at (3, 4) and radius 2 is similar to circle B with center at (−4, −5) and radius 3. Below is an incorrect informal argument for proving two circles are similar:
Step 1 Translate circle B to the right 9 units and up 7 units to form concentric circles.
Step 2 Dilate circle B to be congruent to circle A using scale factor of k = r sub two over r sub one equals two over three
Step 3 When an object is dilated, the dilated object is similar to the pre-image, thus the two circles are similar.
What is the first incorrect step, and how can it be fixed?
A. All steps are correct
B. Step 1, translate circle B to the right 7 units and up 9 units
C. Step 2, use scale factor of k = r sub two over r sub one equals three over two
D. Step 3, replace dilated with translated