A rock is inside a water-filled balloon. This balloon is resting on the ground in an open field. Which picture correctly depicts the placement of molecules for the rock, balloon and outside of the balloon?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D

A rock is inside a waterfilled balloon This balloon is resting on the ground in an open field Which picture correctly depicts the placement of molecules for the class=
A rock is inside a waterfilled balloon This balloon is resting on the ground in an open field Which picture correctly depicts the placement of molecules for the class=
A rock is inside a waterfilled balloon This balloon is resting on the ground in an open field Which picture correctly depicts the placement of molecules for the class=
A rock is inside a waterfilled balloon This balloon is resting on the ground in an open field Which picture correctly depicts the placement of molecules for the class=

Respuesta :

the answer is b............................


B) B


There are mainly three states of matter-solid, liquid and gas. Solid has fixed shape and volume. The molecules are tightly packed. The liquids do not have fixed shape but take the shape of the container in which they are kept. The molecules of liquid are loosely packed but tighter as compared to the gases. Gases do not have fixed shape or volume. The molecules gas are very loosely packed.

Picture B correctly depicts the placement of molecules for rock, water-filled balloon and outside of balloon. Rock is a solid -the molecules are closely packed surrounded by molecules of water which is a liquid which are not so closely packed. Outside the balloon, the molecules of gas are very loosely packed.