TESMAN: If you could only prevail on yourself to say du to her. For my sake, Hedda? Eh? HeddaGabler; act 1, p. 25
What does Tesman want his wife to do?
to call his aunt, “Aunt Julia”
to show his aunt more respect
to invite his aunt to stay with them
to speak to his aunt as if they are friends or family

Respuesta :

D. to speak to his aunt as if they are friends or family.


  • to speak to his aunt as if they are friends or family


George Tesman longs for fundamental life, holding a school position with Hedda close by. Whatever Hedda demands, he attempts to get for her, and wildly needs her to worship him. George Tesman is one more character dehumanizing Hedda and entrusting her to a life partner and mother, not her own person.