According to jones (2000, ______________ is defined as prejudice and discrimination, where prejudice means differential assumptions about the abilities, motives and intentions of others according to their race and discrimination means differential actions toward others according to their race.

Respuesta :

The correct answer is personally mediated racism.
According to Jones, there are three types of racism, which can be institutionalized, internalized, and personally mediated, as is in the case above. It refers to various types of prejudice and discrimination against people of different races, which can be either intentional or unintentional. 



Jones explains that “race” is not a biological construct, and she presents a framework for understanding three levels;

  1. Institutionalized: a differential path to the goods, services, and events of society by class.
  2. Personally mediated: hatred and bigotry, where hatred means differential opinions about the skills, purposes, and plans of others according to their class, whereas bigotry means differential behaviors toward others according to their race.
  3. Internalized: acceptance by segments of the stigmatized groups of negative messages about their own skills and fundamental worth.