
Answer the question in no fewer than four paragraphs. Be sure your thesis is a direct answer to the essay question and that you support you answer fully and completely by using quotations from the text. A complete response will also include an explanation of your answer from your observations, experiences, or other readings. Jane Eyre was orphaned as a child. What do you think is the psychological effect? How would Jane's life have been different if she had grown up with a father and mother? Why do you think this is so?

Respuesta :

The psychological effects are based on Jane's perspective. Every person has a level of control over their mind. If she chooses to let it be a detrimental thing, it will be. If she chooses to let it strengthen her, it will. I think that Jane's life would be completely different if she had grown up with her parents, and not necessarily in a positive OR a negative way. She would just perceive things differently in her day to day life because she would have had a completely different experience in her childhood. I think so because knowledge and action correspond. If she has the knowledge of something, she can act on it. Every individual holds the key to their own happiness- whether they chose to use the key is on them.