The belief that one's own culture, including its values, beliefs, and practices, are superior to others is called ETHNOCENTRISM.
Ethnocentrism is a behavior in which people believe that their culture is "better" than others. It is a mixture of attitude, belief and behavior. An ethnocentric person is convinced that his country is superior to some other country. It can refer to any aspect: culture, language, people, tradition, habits, etc. A basic example would be a situation when a person disgusts another culture's way of eating, living, behaving, treating others, etc. Almost of all us have experienced this feeling at least once, or we have refused the differences or we have felt that our culture is not respected or accepted as it is. Taken to the extreme, it can provoke hard feelings.
A different group of people, willing to get over the limits of their own culture and meet new values and traditions, practice cultural relativism.