Respuesta :

The statement is constructed with the purest form of veracity, and
it is True in every respect, every jot and tittle, ever 'p' and 'q'.
Truer words are rarely if ever spoken.  Verily and forsooth,
Most comets indeed come from a dark, distant, foreboding
place in the solar system, unknown until very recently, and
now referred to as the "Oört Cloud". 




Oort cloud is an icy region. It is named after a Dutch Astronomer who discovered it, theoretically. It is a spherical region that stretches far beyond Pluto, in our Solar system.

The region over which it stretches beyond the Sun is estimated to be about one and half light years and more. Temperatures are between 0 C to 4 C, in that region. Comets, ice chunks planetesimals are all a part of that region. These exist in  huge numbers.