1. Viruses Spread Through Bodily Fluids, but Not the Same Ones
2. HIV can have a long asymptomatic period, with some people showing no
symptoms for up to 10 years.
Ebola's incubation period is typically shorter than 21 days. Symptoms
appear quickly but, unlike HIV, a person must be actively exhibiting
symptoms in order to pass the virus along.
3.The Ebola virus directly attack any and all cell that it come in to
contact with, whereas the HIV virus does not attack any cell, but
instead disables the immune system allowing other infections to take
4. Ebola virus kills the victim by causing hemorrhaging or following
failure of organ or septic shock. On the other side, considering
HIV/AIDS it kills the victim indirectly by lowering the immune system.
In this way, it inclines to deadly infections with the non-involvement
of virus. CDC reports it is apparently like AIDS but more fatal.