4. Are the base pairs always the same?

5. If there were five guanine bases in one strand of your model of DNA, how many cytosine bases would there be in the complementary strand?

6. If there were 10 bases of thymine in one strand of your model of DNA, how many adenine bases would there be in the complementary strand?

7. If the DNA molecule is so similar among all living things (the pairings are always the same and that there are only six components that make up DNA), why is there so much diversity of life?

Respuesta :

4. No

5. Whatever amount of Guanine there is, there has to be an equal amount of cytosine. So, if there are 5 guanine bases, that means that there has to be 5 cytosine bases as well. 

6. 10 bases will be found, cause Every thymine must connect with an adenine nitrogen base by two hydrogen bonds.

7. Because every arrangement of the bases in the DNA strand result in a different protein, thus making different genes, and there is an infinite number of arrangements nitrogen bases can exists in the DNA.