If we were to see the bottom denominator as a bigger number, and also seeing the top numerator smaller then the denominator, this this would be a bigger fraction and also vice-versa. Lets first consider what would be (0.7) as a fraction. .7 would be noticed as 70%. But as a fraction, this would then be 7/10. Therefore, we would then have a newer order. And also for .6, this would be the same case.
By reforming this, it would then be the following:
7/10, 1/8, 1/2, 1/6, 4/5.
Your answer would then be below.
1/8 would be the smallest.
Then 1/6.
Then afterward, 1/2 would then be half.
Then the next ones would then be the fractions that are almost finished.
Then, 7/10, and therefore 4/5 as the last one.
Those would be the order from least to greatest.