Respuesta :

This is a character sketch of F. Scott Fitzgerald's Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby. It is accompanied by writing activities which encourage students to really get into the character of the narrator.

The notes consider the character of Nick under the following headings
* Who is Nick Carraway?
* General information
* Nick's relationships with women
* Is Nick a sympathetic character?
* Nick as an outsider
* Is Nick a reliable narrator? NO
* Is Nick a reliable narrator? YES

I usually deliver the character information in a lecture format, and get students to take notes. I do this when we have finished reading the novel.
I give them the printed notes when we return to revise the novel, or when students are preparing for an examination.

There are 6 writing tasks. These activities test students' knowledge of the novel and of Nick Carraway. They are high order writing activities, so they are also designed to improve student's abilities in different styles of writing. Styles include:

- Letter / Email
- Dialogue / Telephone Conversation / Drama
- Story / Anecdote
Most assignments include hints, sub-headings or structure guides to provide a starting point or scaffolding to help students get started.

This is a Word document, so easily editable to suit your class.

This product, and my other character profiles for The Great Gatsby, can be purchased at a reduced rate as part of a bundle. Check out The Great Gatsby - Character Profiles Bundle for further details.