Study the image of a circuit.
If all the light bulbs are identical, which choice most accurately compares the current moving through A to the current moving through B?
The amount of current moving through A is the same as the amount of current moving through B because all the current moves through all the bulbs in this circuit. The current is the same throughout the circuit.
The current moving through A is greater than the current moving through B because the resistance of the circuit increases as you go through each bulb. Going through one bulb has less resistance than going through two bulbs.
The current moving through A is greater than the current moving through B because the current gets to A first. Some of the current gets used up by the first and second bulbs, so less current gets to B.
The current moving through A is less than the current moving through B because the current increases as it goes through a bulb. Each bulb adds more current to the circuit.
Thankyou so much.