Respuesta :
1. plancha; corta; peina
2. y
3. mascota
4. de la escuela
5. bien; aliviado
6. apuntó
2. y
3. mascota
4. de la escuela
5. bien; aliviado
6. apuntó
In this exercise, we need to fill in the blank with the corresponding word or phrase in each case.
So, solving this exercise:
1. The right answer is corta.
Iker siempre corta su pelo tieso.
Iker always cuts his stiff hair.
2. The right answer is no hay dos personas con
En la familia de Iker, no hay dos personas con el mismo rasgo
In Iker's family, there are not two people with the same trait
3. The right answer is mascota
Su mascota es un perico
His pet is a parrot
4. The right answer is se burlen de él
Es probable que sus compañeros se burlen de él si saben su secreto
It is likely that his companions will make fun of him if they know his secret
5. The right answer is aliviado
Iker se sintió aliviado cuando su compañero le dijo que le gustaba su peinado.
Iker was relieved when his partner told him that he liked his hairstyle.
6. The right answer is nervioso
Iker estaba nervioso de mostrar su peinado natural.
Iker was nervous to show his natural hairstyle.