When discussing stress and health, psychologists refer to the challenging event as the _____, the physical response to the event as the _____, and the process through which a person interprets the event as the _____?

Respuesta :

The correct answer is stressor; stress reaction; stress

Answer 1: 
A stressor refers to an external situation or stimulus that has the potential to cause stress in individuals. Examples of stressors include having unpleasant relatives as house guests, being stuck in traffic before an important meeting, living in a noisy neighborhood or being stuck in a dilemma.  

Answer 2: Stress reaction refers to physiological or bodily responses to stressors. These reactions can include: activation of the sympathetic nervous system (fight-or flight response), increased heart rate, higher cortisol levels, changes in dietary and sleep patterns, anxiety, etc. Stress responses that are prolonged are overall harmful for our health and well being. 

Answer 3: Stress encompasses, the physical, mental and emotional reactions to stressors. Stress at its best helps prepares us to face challenges and motivates us to perform well. However, more often than not stress is an unpleasant condition that is best minimized and eliminated due to its harmful effects on a person's health, well-being, social relationships, careers and overall life outcomes.