Respuesta :


Serena !  Where did you get the 86.8 ?

You divided 434 by 5 ! 

That was exactly the right thing to do, but you didn't know
what you had because you got messy and dropped the units.

What you actually divided was

               (434 candy) divided by (5 minutes).

If you kept the units in your calculation, as you always should do,
here's what you would have seen:

                           (434 candy) / (5 minutes)   

                       =    (434 / 5)   candy/minute

                       =        86.8  candy per minute .

I have to confess that I don't know what a proportion web is,
and I actually never heard of it until right now.  So maybe
I shouldn't have tried to answer this question.  But at least
I was able to get the point across to you that you should
ALWAYS keep the units as you go through a calculation.
That message is worth a lot, and it will do you a lot of good.