Adolescence is that magical transition from being a child, boy or girl, to an adult, man or woman. It starts as early as age 11 or 12 and usually ends around age 20 to 21. Puberty is one of the early onsets of adolescence, when the sex organs mature and become fully functional in terms of sexual reproduction. It is at this time the sex organs, testes in boys, ovaries in girls, start mass production of sex hormones, which elicit sex-related changes in each respective sex. For boys, they catch the girls in terms of height, and even overtake them, adding as much as an entire foot to their body height. At adulthood, the body will have reached its full height, and other physical features should also be fully formed. Depending on a society's cultural structure, adulthood also often marks when people are allowed to marry and join the military. Psychologically, adulthood features the development of cognitive abilities, which are more inclined toward synthesizing conflicting ideas or positions (dialectical reasoning).i hope dis help