Chapter 1 - Page 14 - 2nd Paragraph - The story about Ponyboy in Biology class acts as an allusion. The author uses this reference back to a distinct moment, because it shows the reader how others view the greasers, and sets up Ponyboy's difficulty with not fitting in, which are important factors of the story.
Chapter 3 - Page 42 - 1st full paragraph after the dialogue, when Ponyboy thinks that if he doesn't act on the tension he is feeling, he will explode. This is an example of hyperbole, because he would not literally explode if he felt more tension. The author uses this to let the reader know that the conflict between the Socs and the Greasers has come to a boiling point, and it is starting to deeply affect the characters.
Chapter 6 - Page 80 - 1st paragraph - Ponyboy describes that the flames were roaring. This is an example of personification, because flames cannot roar. The author uses this to intensify the moment and explain the severity of the fire.