Well, for the first one, you count all the values that fit into the certain range. For example if I were to try and find the first one (10-19) I would count up all the numbers from 10 to 19. There are 4 (17, 10, 16, 19). Okay, for the second one (20-29). There are 6 (22, 20, 22, 20, 24, 20). On to the third (30-39). There are 5 (37, 34, 32, 33, 34). Now for the fourth one (40-49). There are 4 (49, 48, 40, 46) Now for the fifth one (50-59). There are 4 (56, 50, 51, 58). Now for the sixth (last) one. There are 2 (61, 60). With this info, the answer is the first choice.
I honestly do not remember ever doing box-and-whisker plots, so I cannot help you there. Sorry.
Cannot help with questions 12 and 13 or 15 either, I have never seen this.
Now, for number 16, you would just divide 900 by 15 and you would get 60. So, she would have to mow 60 lawns.
A proportion is a set of numbers that are equal to each other. The only choice is 5/1000 and 10/2000. You can multiply 5/1000 by 2 and get 10/2000, or you can divide 10/2000 to get 5/1000.
Sorry I couldn't answer some of your questions, but I hope this helps! Sorry again.