There is no air on the moon. If a bowling ball, a feather, and a large empty box were dropped from the same height on the moon at the same time, which would land first?

 A.All three would land at the same time B.The empty box C.The feather D.The bowling ball

Respuesta :

Not having air on the moon is one thing meaning we couldn't survive on it. But the moon hardly has any gravity either. The Earths gravitational pull is 9.807 m/s^2. While the moons gravitational pull is 1.62 m/s^2. This is a very large difference meaning there is hardly any gravity on the moon whatsoever. So what does this mean for your question.

A: All three would land at the same time.

The moon has hardly any gravity so things on the moon are practically weightless. So this means if you dropped all three items at the same time. They would slowly drop down but eventually all hit the moons surface at the same time. 

Hope this helps!
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